Visual Analogy
Visual Analogy: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Visual Analogy, Visual Analogy Based on Movement of Figure in Reasoning, Visual Analogy Based on Number of Elements in Reasoning and, Visual Analogy Based on Shape and Size in Reasoning
Important Questions on Visual Analogy
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Labade Estates Kaladhan House Mb-942042002
Four of the following five are alike in the certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to that group ?
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Bob Baxklund (Dir) Pheonix Ltd. Ph-8297541
Each figure contains certain logic. On the logic to select the missing figure from the given options --
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Flickr Logos Bulls Outgate Orissa-32
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. Find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question. The number of that option which contains that combination is the answer. If all the combinations are different, the answer is 'E'
Tikam Haryanwi 211, Sector 19'B' Hamirpur-26
Study the following diagram and answer the question below.
I- Males
II- Indians
III- Sportsmen
IV- Educated
Grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand will take his place in which section of this diagram?
On the basis of the first pair of figure, which alternative will complete the figure.
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Lali Da Dhaba Ludhiana-24/9 Pin-269863
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Camgadar Tiles Shaman Street Tiruvalli 62
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Hussain Ekbaan Jama Swetts Tel- 3578626
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Naresh Jain Phool Galli, 27 Ujjain 489650
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. Find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
D.S. Patra 16/309, M.I.Road Sihora -369705
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Van de Troost II/B 906 Cap Trichur 06
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Ketki Doshi H.No. 133,IV Lane Rajkot- 36531
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Gujjar Enterprises Lane 3, S.M. Marg Samanagar 41
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Makamur Cakes Hilton Street-02 Shimoga-31
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. Find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Komal Shirali Venkatesh Chowk Nampalli-74
Select the odd figure from the given responses.
In each question below, a combination of Name and Address is given in the question followed by four such combinations one each under the options A, B, C and D. You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the question.
Yehangoor Nayyar Chompagar Road Kerala 21